Find cyberattacks and stop them in real-time with advanced, AI-powered threat detection.
Mitigate insider risk by gathering behavioral data on users and assets throughout your network. Launch investigations in response to suspicious sign-ons and unusual scripting engine usage. Vectra AI leverages Attack Signal Intelligence to stop credential-based attacks by focusing on the accounts attackers are most likely to target.
Lumifi adds value to Vectra AI’s core feature set by customizing its detection rules according to your security needs. With Lumifi acting as an extension of your security team, you can detect and mitigate credential-based attacks that other solutions would overlook.
Enhanced visibility prevents attackers from leveraging your network’s complexity against you. Instead of losing sight of threat actors when they conduct lateral movement or privilege escalation, Vectra AI can pinpoint them using Attack Signal Intelligence.
With Lumifi providing 24x7 monitoring and customized deployment, your security team can quickly map out network threats in real-time. Vectra AI helps analysts think like an attacker and analyze their behaviors as they attempt to evade detection.
Vectra AI’s Attack Signal Intelligence helps analysts focus on high-priority risks across the environment. Instead of flooding analysts with alerts from every corner of the enterprise, Vectra AI prioritizes network alerts according to real-world risk factors.
That means less time wasted on false positives and unimportant alerts. In a real attack scenario, these inefficiencies can become obstacles to effective detection and response. Vectra AI and Lumifi work together to make every second count.
Vectra boasts a higher number of references in the MITRE D3FEND framework than any other vendor. When enhanced with automated investigation and contextualization from Lumifi ShieldVision™, the result is a deeply streamlined incident response workflow that can catch even the most sophisticated threats.
Our industry-leading approach to managed detection and response combines best-of-breed solutions like Vectra AI with scalable, on-demand product expertise. Let our SOC act as an extension of your security team, leveraging Vectra AI to detect unauthorized activity across your entire network.
Date: 01.28 | Time: 1:00 PM MT