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Data Source Integrations

IBM DB2 Universal Database

Version: IBM DB2 Universal Database 10.5 and later.

The auditing facility on DB2 UDB allows a Database Administrator (DBA) to maintain an audit trail for a series of predefined database events. It is capable of logging database events such as authorization checking, database object maintenance, security maintenance, system administration, and user validation. The audit facility acts at an instance level, recording all instance level activities and database level activities. There are different categories of audit records that might be generated. It is possible to configure fine-grained auditing by selecting the categories of events to be audited.

Netsurion Open XDR supports IBM DB2 Universal Database and monitors it and generates alerts, reports for critical events.

Netsurion Data Source Integration for IBM DB2 Universal Database allows you to monitor following:-

  • Monitoring admin configuration activity.
  • Monitoring database activity.
  • Monitoring database audit activity.

Once events are received in to Netsurion Open XDR, Alerts and reports can be configured into Netsurion Open XDR.

To take advantage of this data source integration and to learn more about alerts, reports, and dashboards, contact your Technical Account Manager (TAM). If you are not currently a Lumifi customer or partner, contact us to learn more. 

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