Your security information and event management (SIEM) solution uses logs to build an accurate picture of your organization's security profile.
When a security event occurs, those logs are vital pieces to the puzzle your security team needs to put together. Audit logs can tell you what happened, where, and when the event began. They can tell you who was logged in when the event occurred and provide meaningful insight into each step taken along the way.
The "what" "where" and "when" questions are incredibly important for effective security event management. However, the modern enterprise security investigation often centers on the "who" questions.
When your organization has effective, compliant log auditing capabilities, you can quickly pinpoint users responsible for security events. This enables your security team to immediately answer valuable questions about the users associated with those events.
Comprehensive audit logs must not only capture data related to the event itself but offer enough background data to make correlations with users. It's not enough to collect relevant error messages, event IDs, and user IP addresses. You'll need to match these data with system log files that tell you:
In a data breach or ransomware scenario, you may have related event logs that stretch back months before the event itself. The quality of your audit logs determines how successful your investigation can be, which directly impacts compliance reporting and remediation.
To get consistent detection results, you must establish good audit log policies. The more comprehensive your logging processes are, the more data your SIEM, UEBA, or SOAR platform has to work with. Lumifi offers useful resources for successfully configuring audit logs in Linux and Windows:
Since logs are such a vital part of information security event management and investigation, it makes sense to verify which logs your system collects. Your audit policy is automatically set to capture certain information, and you can manually set certain parameters to make better use of your UEBA-powered SIEM platform.
Some of the logs you should pay close attention to include:
Every industry has unique logging requirements. These requirements are mandated by the regulatory framework that governs the industry in question. Some of the most common compliance regulations that we help organizations meet include:
The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) secures unclassified data stored by Department of Defense contractors. DoD contractors must meet CMMC mandates while holding third-party audited SOC II Type 2 and ISO 27001 certifications.
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) protects cardholder data when making purchases from vendors. It includes 12 protocols designed to keep cardholder data safe. Managed detection and response services help organizations identify and prioritize cardholder data vulnerabilities based on severity, enabling fully-compliance threat response and remediation.
The Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) is a set of expanded regulatory requirements that public companies in the United States must adhere to. It is primarily designed to prevent public companies from defrauding investors with false financial reports. Public executives must dedicate resources to collecting, monitoring, and analyzing audit logs while performing regular risk assessments to maintain SOX compliance.
The 23 NYCRR 500 is a set of regulatory standards that apply to insurance and banking companies in the state of New York. These standards promote the protection of sensitive customer data and secure the systems that regulated organizations use to process that data. New York-based banks and insurers must develop incident response plans that fulfill 23 NYCRR Part 500 obligations.
The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 establishes information security policies for civilian agencies operating on behalf of the Federal Government's Executive branch. This framework provides guidance for the Department of Homeland Security when developing and deploying security policies for these agencies.
All Department of Defense contractors and subcontractors must abide by Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) rules when storing or processing unclassified data. DoD contractors must develop operating procedures for detecting, analyzing, and responding to security incidents within the DFARS framework before processing data for the DoD.
CIS controls are additional to almost every other security framework. They form a pragmatic basis for developing and assessing security programs in a wide variety of industries. This basis consists of 24/7 monitoring and regular scanning of the entire enterprise IT environment, with real-time alerts that correspond to threats and vulnerabilities throughout the organization.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects the integrity and confidentiality of patient data in the healthcare industry. It applies to hospitals, clinics, and medical application developers who use, store, and process sensitive patient data. Healthcare organizations implement these safeguards and use customized logging to gain real-time insight into unauthorized access, configuration changes, and privilege escalations.
The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) is an inter-agency regulation the US government uses to establish uniform standards for financial institution examinations. These help banks and lenders maintain a unified cybersecurity stance that protects customer data against breaches. Finance institutions must often implement advanced risk management solutions in preparation for these Federal examinations.
The GLBA applies to financial institutions and organizations that provide financial products to consumers, like loans, insurance, and investment advice. It sets strict requirements on how these institutions must protect sensitive data. Financial institutions require broad visibility into threats targeting customer data on multiple fronts, including 24/7 detection and response on remote endpoints, corporate networks, and cloud applications.
This is a US government standard that establishes uniform practices for handling unclassified data, including personally identifiable information and sensitive government assets. Customized reporting solutions help government agencies simplify NIST 800-171 compliance and protect unclassified data more effectively.
The Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (SHIELD) Act requires businesses that protect private data on New York residents to protect that data in specific ways. 24/7 monitoring and logging services enable organizations to meet SHIELD compliance requirements in a cost-efficient way. Third-party security service providers are key for effective system maintenance and risk management.
FERPA gives parents and legal guardians specific rights to access student records. These rights transfer to students once they reach the age of 18. FERPA rights include the ability to inspect student records maintained by K-12 institutions, request the correction of inaccurate records, and provide permissions for the disclosure of records.
Every industry must follow unique regulations to protect customer data and achieve compliance.
Make Lumifi your managed detection and response partner and gain industry-specific expertise that can help you guarantee your organization meets these stringent security requirements.
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Date: 01.28 | Time: 1:00 PM MT