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User Location Affinity

By Elliot Anderson  |  March 29, 2023

User Location Affinity

It’s clear that we are now working under the assumption of a breach. The challenge is to find the attacker before they cause damage.

Once attackers gain a beach head within the organization, they pivot to other systems. The Verizon DBIR  shows that compromised credentials make up a whopping 76% of all network incursions.

However, the traditional IT security tools deployed at the perimeter, used to keep the bad guys out, are helpless in these cases. Today’s complex cyber security attacks require a different approach.

EventTracker 8 includes an advanced security analytic package which includes behavior rules to self-learn user location affinity heuristics and use this knowledge to pinpoint suspicious user activity.

In a nutshell, EventTracker learns typical user behavior for interactive login. Once a baseline of behavior is established, out of ordinary behavior is identified for investigation. This is done in real-time and across all enterprise assets.

For example if user Susan typically logs into wks5 but now because her credentials are stolen, they are used to login to server6, this would be identified as out-of-ordinary and tagged for closer inspection.

EventTracker 8 has new features designed to support security analysts involved in Digital Forensics and Incident Response.

By Elliot Anderson
User Location Affinity

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