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Top three reasons SIEM solutions fail

By Elliot Anderson  |  March 15, 2023

We have been implementing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions for more than 10 years. We serve hundreds of active SIEM users and implementations. We have had many awesome, celebratory, cork-popping successes. Unfortunately, we’ve also had our share of sad, tearful, profanity-filled failures. Why? Why do some companies succeed with SIEM while others fail? Here is a secret for you: the product doesn’t matter. The size of the company doesn’t matter. It’s something else. SIEM can deliver great results but it can soak up budget, time and leave you frustrated with the outcome. Here are the (all too) common reasons why SIEM implementations fail.

Reason 1: You don’t have an administrator in charge.

We call this the RUN function. A person in charge of platform administration. A Sys Admin who:

  • Keeps the solution up-to-date with upgrades and new versions
  • Performs system health checks, storage projections and log volume/performance analysis
  • Analyzes changes in log collection for new systems and non-reporting systems
  • Adds and configures users, standardized reports, dashboards and alerts
  • Generates Weekly System Status Report
  • Confirms external/third party integration’s are functioning normally: threat intel feeds, IDS, VAS

Reason 2: The boss isn’t committed.

For the SIEM solution to deliver value, the executive in charge must be fully committed to it, providing emotional, financial and educational support to the administrator. You tell your team that this is the company’s system and everyone’s going to use it. You invest in outside help to get it up and running, and use it the right way with the proper training and service. You don’t cave in when people complain because they don’t like the color of the screen or the font, or that things take extra clicks, or that it’s not “user friendly.” For this system to work, your people will need to do more work. You provide resources to help them, but you stand firm because this is your network. You realize that using this product the right way will help you make your company safer…and more valuable. Stand firm. Commit. Or you will fail.

Reason 3: You’re not using the data.

Our best implementations have 2-3 key objectives satisfied by the SIEM systems each day. Managers read these reports and rely on the data to help them secure their network. Have a few key objectives or you will fail. We call this the WATCH function for obvious reasons.

We are a premier provider of SIEM solutions and services, but with all due respect we would advise against buying a SIEM solution if a client is not prepared to invest in an administrator or reports, or shows little interest in adopting the system into their company culture.

By Elliot Anderson
Top three reasons SIEM solutions fail

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