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The Detection Deficit

By Elliot Anderson  |  February 17, 2023

The gap between the ‘time to compromise’ and the ‘time to discover’ is the detection deficit. According to Verizon DBIR, the trend lines of these have been diverging significantly in the past few years. Worse yet, the data shows that attackers are able to compromise the victim in days but thereafter are able to spend an average of 243 days undetected within the enterprise network before they are exposed. More often than not, this is happening by a third party. This trend points to an ongoing detection deficit disorder. The suggestion is that defenders struggle to uncover the indicators of compromise. While the majority of these attacks are via malware inserted to the victim’s system by a variety of methods, there is also theft of credentials that make it look like an inside job. To overcome the detection deficit, defenders must look for other common evidence of compromise. These include: command and control activity, suspicious network traffic, file access and unauthorized use of valid credentials. EventTracker 8 includes features incorporated into our Windows sensor that provide continuous forensics to look for evidence of compromise. Verizon VBIR, the trend lines of these have been diverging significantly in the past few years.

Worse yet, the data shows that attackers are able to compromise the victim in days but thereafter are able to spend an average of 243 days undetected within the enterprise network before they are exposed. More often than not, this is happening by a third party.

This trend points to an ongoing detection deficit disorder. The suggestion is that defenders struggle to uncover the indicators of compromise.

While the majority of these attacks are via malware inserted to the victim’s system by a variety of methods, there is also theft of credentials that make it look like an inside job.

To overcome the detection deficit, defenders must look for other common evidence of compromise. These include: command and control activity, suspicious network traffic, file access and unauthorized use of valid credentials.

EventTracker 8 includes features incorporated into our Windows sensor that provide continuous forensics to look for evidence of compromise.

By Elliot Anderson
The Detection Deficit

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