Regulatory compliance is a necessary step for IT leaders, but it’s not sufficient enough to reduce residual IT security risk to tolerable levels. This is not news. But why is this the case? Here are three reasons:
The key point to understand is that the compliance guidance documents are just that — guidance. Getting certification for the standard, while necessary, is not sufficient. If your network becomes the victim of a security breach and a third party suffers harm, then compliance to the guidelines alone will not be an adequate defense, although it may help mitigate certain regulatory penalties. All reasonable steps to mitigate the potential for harm to others must have been implemented, regardless of whether those steps are listed within the guidance.
A strong security program is based on effective management of the organization’s security risks. A process to do this effectively is what regulators and auditors look for.
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Date: 02.28 | Time: 10:00 AM MT